Bee suits, Bee jackets, Bee veils are all part of the protective clothing gear required by beekeepers. Each beekeeper has a different budget and different preferences.
We prefer the use of top quality, high protection level full one-piece bee suits over any other type of beekeeping protective clothing. Bee suits offer the highest level of protection when working with bees.

Showing all 15 results

Bee Suit – 4XL


Bee Suits – 4XL- with attachable veils –*Shipping not included*
Beekeeping means working with bees. It includes lifting of brood & super chambers, frames and more.


Bee Suit – 4XLarge


Best bee suit in South Africa. Includes bee veil and hood with zips and bands! Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.

*Shipping not included*

Bee Suit – 5XL


Bee Suits – 5XL- with attachable veils – *Shipping not included*
Beekeeping means working with bees. It includes lifting of brood & super chambers, frames and more.


Bee Suit – 5XLarge


Best bee suit in South Africa. Includes bee veil and hood with zips and bands! Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.

*Shipping not included*

Bee Suit – Large


Bee Suits Large- with attachable bee veils – *Shipping not included*

Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.


Bee Suit – Medium


Best Bee Suits For Your African Bees! Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.

*Shipping not included*

Bee Suit – Small


Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.

*Shipping not included*


Bee Suit – XLarge


Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.

*Shipping not included*

Bee Suit – XXLarge


Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.

*Shipping not included*

Best Bee Suit – XXXLarge


Best bee suit in South Africa. Includes bee veil and hood with zips and bands! Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection.

*Shipping not included*

Leather Bee gloves


Bee gloves – leather with material arms (elbow length)

The leather gloves are a matter of personal preference over choice. Best used for fine work with the queen bee and provides a better tactile experience.