Meet Bee Ware Cape Town®!
Welcome to Bee Ware®. We supply bee tools, bee info and honey harvesting equipment. Our focus is on promoting beekeeping skills development for the beekeeping industry in South Africa and Africa in the agricultural business sector.
We retail bee tools, bee hives, honey settling tanks, honey extractors, beeswax extractors and bee books along with almost every other bee equipment a beekeeper needs including bee courses!
Our mission: For man and bees to prosper. Our motto: Harnessing Nature’s Biodiversity
Passionate about keeping bees and making honey we work hard to bring beekeeping to the forefront of hobbyists, crop farmers, government and various entities for rural development. Get Bee Ware Price list now by subscribing up to our free bee articles. Visit the SHOP now!
The greatest opportunity of growing beekeeping is through food security
Farmers, hobbyists and government can add increased performance and production for food crop output with the use of beekeeping pollination services.
Bees and man must prosper!
We supply beekeeping equipment, beekeeping tools, honey processing: beehives, queen excluders, bee smokers, hive tools, bee suits, bee gloves, leather gloves, honey tanks, settling tanks, honey extractors, bee escapes, refractometers and more! Operating since 2014, we service online orders & our Flag Ship Retail Store in Cape Town!
Our vision is to provide food security. Fertiliser, insecticides and pesticides are only able to finitely provide some improvement in performance in the health of the crop or trees being grown. However, they also damage the environment and greater ecosystem especially with Round-up and glyphosate.
To be a company that promotes a world where bees, man’s health, wealth and nature prosper in the production of honey
“A future where man & bees prosper”
Bees and pollinators, with the help of mixed growing agriculture, provides better improved performance than currently being utilised in agriculture and farming practices today.
Food Security is directly related to pollination resulting in quality of yield and quantity of yield in net weight.
Avocados are the best example of this. Field tests show a massive increase in production in yield. Using 6 bee hives per hectare, average yields compared to those orchards without hives present show an increase of 150%.
The numbers: avocado trees without hives produce an average of 50 kilograms. Trees with 6 mature bee hives produce 150 kilograms of avocado. Net weight per avocado drops by about 15% from 240g to 210g which is better for consumers wanting a single serving fruit.

Why Everybody Loves Us
Bee hives
We supply top-of-the-line ”bee ready” bee hives for personal and commercial bee projects of all types including BeePak, Bee Bunka Cement Bee hives and Langstroth Bee hives.
Our bee suits are tried & tested by commercial beekeepers as well as bee removal services personnel. Designed by beekeepers for beekeepers!
Honey Extractors
We supply quality honey centrifuges, honey extractors and honey processing equipment.
Bee Smokers
Another essential beekeeping tool. Every time you go to a hive, to inspect internally, smoke the bees.
Beekeeping Course
Build your knowledge on beekeeping with our online bee masterclass course, or in-person beekeeping courses, bee books or even a profitable investment in beekeeping.
Shop is OPEN
Monday to Friday: 09h00 - 16h00 Saturday: 09h00 -12h00
Africa's Largest Beekeeping Equipment Supplier
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1. Select your Products
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2. Add items to your shopping cart
When you find your desired items, simply just add them to the shopping cart.
3. Complete the checkout form
You can browse more items you’d like to purchase or go directly to the checkout form. On the checkout form, just complete your details.
4. Enter desired shipping adress
To make sure we send your products to the correct location, provide your physical delivery address. Or, you can select “Local Pickup” in the “delivery” section to come and collect after completing your purchase.
5. Receive your order & enjoy!
Once payment has been processed, we will ship the products to the address you provided. We are confident that you will love them.