Bee hives are the mainstay of keeping bees.
The standard Langstroth bee hive design
revolutionised the management of the apiary.
Assembled Super Frame – Single
R40,00Super frames for beehives
Also come wired so they can help with the foundation of the comb when the bees have built it in langstroth bee hives
Brass Eyelets – 200g Bag
R100,00Entrance Blocker – Round
R35,00External Entrance Feeder
R35,00Frame Grip
R90,00Frame Holder
R115,00Frame Spacer – 10 Frame Pair
R26,00Frame Spacer – 9 Frame Pair
R26,00Frame Wire – 1kg
R299,00Frame Wire – 1kg roll – *Shipping not included*
Wooden frames when wiring on 1kg rolls
Frame Wire – 250g
R100,00Hive Tie – White
R33,00Langstroth Beehive Cape Town**
R1850,00Langstroth Beehive – *Shipping not included*
Wooden beehives with aluminium lid, floor, super, brood & all frames WAX STRIPPED and wired. HOT DIPPED IN PARAFFIN WAX.
Plastic Pollen Trap
R110,00Plastic pollen trap – *Shipping not included*
Plastic pollen trap which catches pollen as bees return to the bee hive
Queen Excluder – Metal
R125,00Queen excluders are used to keep the queen bee from being able to lay inside the super chamber where the honey is stored.
Queen Excluder – Plastic
R80,00Queen excluders are used to keep the queen bee from being able to lay inside the super chamber where the honey is stored.