Online Beekeeping Course

Discover beekeeping with the NewBee Master Class Videos where hobbyists get started with a fun exciting passion! Even with no beekeeping Experience.

Bee Blooming

Easy Buzzy Beekeeping Course

What does beekeeping mean for you…?

For everyone it’s different.

For some of you, you’re wanting to help save the bees and you’re trying to give a colony a home!

For others, you are hobbyists… and you just want to keep a few hives, you’re stuck and you’re not sure how.

And for others of you, you’re looking for something that will help you make an impact on your life and give you new exciting career and start a business as a bee entrepreneur as I did over 15 years ago…

Many newbie beekeepers (see what I did there with “newbie”?) struggle with where to start? All of these are typical questions we get from first-timer newbies!

Bees are cool. We’ve tried to enhance the opportunity for all newbies to start beekeeping with our latest Online Master Class!

We’ve had 1500 new beekeepers come to learn on face-to-face bee courses in Midrand and around the country. Not everybody can make the long drive time or afford the flight fee to come for our top quality bee training in person! So, now we’ve created the Online Master Class Course for introduction to beekeeping!

  • What equipment to get and how do you get bees?
  • What do bees need to survive and how best to find it?
  • How do we keep bees without any land or farm or enough space?

It took me a long time to learn even the basics of beekeeping. I couldn’t find a lot of the answers I was looking for easily in one place. And experienced beekeepers weren’t talking much about what they knew…

What seems basic nowadays with my experience is vital in the beginning and the learning curve is huge. There’s always something to know and no clear way to find out what to learn first.

In my first year, I lost bees. Some absconded. Some swarmed off. I got wax moth. I got hive beetles. I got honey. I got unripe honey. I squashed a queen bee. And… I got stung.

Eventually, I started getting to know a few beekeepers. I managed to read the Beekeeping in South Africa book from back to front. I went on some bee courses. It cost me a small fortune to learn on the job and to grow my skills over the years. I made mistakes. I lost hives. I lost money. I lost time!

Lore of bees is powerful and ancient. The bee knowledge is normally passed from one generation to another. Old beekeepers are usually secretive about their craft.

Sometimes this is warranted. But I believe we can share our knowledge and the more people that get involved in beekeeping the better!