Intermediate Beekeeping Course
Take the next step to learn about what beekeeping equipment you need to grow your beekeeping, how to make my own bee colonies and the potential business opportunities to make money with beekeeping
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Practical Intermediate Beekeeping Course
Our PRACTICAL BEEKEEPING INTERMEDIATE Bee Course is running again monthly in Midrand!
I was into beekeeping and got a great start with my beginner course and reading the blue book. I wanted to find out more info about what special equipment could help my bees, what equipment I need to grow my beekeeping and how to make my own bee colonies and the potential business opportunities to make money with beekeeping…
I had questions about how to make new queen bees, how to get pollination business set up and do bee removals and who to sell my honey to. I wanted to have a plan to go from being a hobby beekeeper to someone that can go commercial and make this a business.
“I was able to leave my job and pay the bills”
I struggled finding my way with what direction I wanted to take as I wasn’t sure what else can be done with bees to make a great living and even to leave my job. I needed more bees and more queens and started asking about how to do that… Do I buy them? Can I build my apiary with bee removals while charging for that as a service? Can I create my own queen bees and colonies?
What honey extracting equipment and bottling machines do I need and proper harvesting and honey processing steps does it take? Who wants my honey on a large scale and how do I go about properly managing much more colonies?
Register Now by clicking the link below:
Intermediate Practical Bee Course OR
Call to make a booking on 061 980 6551 | 083 308 0042 NOW.
What examples are there about making a business out of beekeeping and ensuring my bees are properly cared for from a passionate beekeeper that wants to manage and keep bees as a hobby or grow to something bigger and start a commercial bee business making honey, pollinating farms and more.
“I finally found a shop near Pretoria that has friendly staff and that are passionate about beekeepers wanting to start beekeeping! They stock all the tools and bee equipment I needed. They EVEN provide Practical Intermediate Beekeeper Training on a monthly basis…!”
“I bought a bee book, booked myself on a bee course and immediately subscribed to their FREE Bee MAIL Articles and Tips that give amazing in-depth how-to about learning to keep bees!”
Register Now by clicking the link below:
Intermediate Practical Bee Course OR
Call to make a booking on 061 980 6551 | 083 308 0042 NOW.